To promote and advance the interest and awareness of Amateur Radio to our friends and neighbors in our communities, state, nationally and internationally.
We will provide education and training in Basic Electronics, Radio Theory, Operating Safety and Accepted Operating Practice to interested individuals and groups as requested.
We will be prepared and available with equipment and qualified operators to assist with supplying emergency Amateur Radio Communications to community, city, state, and federal organizations requesting such assistance.
We will hold monthly SETAC meetings for the social, educational and promotional advancement of Amateur Radio for all interested parties.
We will host and conduct events that will educate and inform fellow Amateurs and the general public about the importance, flexibility and versatility of Amateur Radio such as but not limited to, Radio Direction Finding (fox hunts), Emergency Preparedness (field day), and on air national and international contest and events.
We will provide on air networks as needed for the sharing of general and technical information, information exchange protocols and in general the promotion of all aspects of Amateur Radio.
We invite all Radio Amateur's and interested parties from around the world to join us in enjoying a rewarding hobby while providing a service to our communities.
Vice-President, Web Master
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